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Pelsdyrfarmen Nordland

At Pelsdyrfarmen Nordland, during the last season, they fused 65,500 mink, and in the season had replaced a 10-year-old scraper with a Jasopel scraper machine T6.

– The old machine had become a bottleneck, and I honestly didn’t think we got a scraper that was better. But I was surprised because we have never scraped our skins as good as this year, says Lars Peter Jensen, operations manager at Pelsdyrfarmen Nordland.

He was equipped with a healthy skepticism before getting to know the new machine.

– One has to say that the new scraper machine makes a difference and there are great opportunities for customizing the machine. Everything can be set on the screen, and one can vary eg pressure and speed and fine-tune on many parameters, says an enthusiastic Lars Peter Jensen. Simplicity and flexibility Despite the many setting options, the machine worked quite simply at first impressions.
– The machine is incredibly easy to go to. The basic function works well, and we have utilized the high capacity to scrape approx. 3,100 skins a day during the period, Lars Peter Jensen considers. He has also been well pleased with the canister.

– The stick cleaner is really efficient and provides an easier workflow. We should not stand and rub with eg sawdust. This means that now is the time to change work position and see the skins for scars or other injuries, emphasizes Lars Peter Jensen. The simplicity of the machine allows more employees to operate it.

– The machine has many adjustment options, but one can easily teach another man in the use of the scraper. That is no problem, says Lars Peter Jensen. Easier roll shifts

Jasopels recommends changing scraper rolls when scraping between 3,500 and 6,000 skins.

– We have chosen to change every other day, so scraping approx. 6,000 skins between roller shifts. Here it is a huge advantage that it only takes three to five minutes to change rolls, says Lars Peter Jensen.

Over the season, he has fine-tuned his settings and has been able to experiment with various roll combinations and hardnesses.

– I have been working on the hardness of the rollers, the speed of the engine and the shaft speed to optimize the scrap. But conversely, one can easily leave the machine to an employee who runs the machine as it stands, says Lars Peter Jensen, who at the same time notes that the good mink skins are always the result of a good teamwork throughout the entire pile.